In ESCOP.com you can download monographs (Pdf format) at a special price:
- General individual monograph: €15
- Special monographs:
- Allii sativi bulbus (Garlic): €20
- Calendulae flos (Calendula flower): €20
- Hyperici herba (St. John’s Wort): €30
- Ortosiphonis folium (Java tea): €20
- Complete collection (price is variable according to the number of monographs, check here)
Example of monograph: Psylli semen (Psyllium seed) Free access

> Discounts for customers (those who have purchased monographs since October 2018)
- For the purchase of 5 or more monographs: 20% additional discount
> For ESCOP-associated customers (members of societies belonging to ESCOP). To obtain this additional discount you must have your personal access codes (please contact your society’s board).
- For the purchase of one individual monograph: 20% additional discount
- 5 or more monographs: 36% additional discount
- Complete collection: 20% additional discount