With deepest regret ESCOP had to accept the message that Prof. em. Otto Sticher has passed away on March 11th, 2022, at the age of 85.
Since some decades, Prof. em. Sticher had served as a supervising editor for ESCOP, checking the final versions of all ESCOP monographs as one of the most competent scientific peers in the field of pharmacognosy. His testimonial on our website demonstrated his long term support and close collaboration with ESCOP: Sticher, Otto (Switzerland) (escop.com).
From 1972 – 2002 Prof. em. Sticher had been a full Professor and Director of Pharmacognosy and later of Pharmacy at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences within the Department of Applied Biosciences at ETH Zurich. Apart from being memorized for his highly scientific curriculum and large publication list in the field, he will leave unforgettable traces for Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy with his Book “Pharmakognosie/Phytopharmazie” which has been published in the 10th edition in 2015.
All of ESCOP´s sympathies go to his family, his friends and colleagues and especially to his wife Miriam.
On behalf of the ESCOP Board and Scientific Committee
Liselotte Krenn, Barbara Steinhoff, Marijke Frater-Schröder and Evelyn Wolfram