As a result of the Annual General Meeting of ESCOP in Utrecht (NL), Dr. Evelyn Wolfram (Switzerland) and Prof. Dr. Anna-Rita Bilia (Italy) have been elected as Chair and Co-Chair.

ESCOP is deeply grateful to Prof. Liselotte Krenn our long-term Chair, for her incredible commitment and the many achievements she has led during her presidency.

Together with a highly engaged board and dedicated scientific committees, Prof. Krenn guided ESCOP through challenging times, including the pandemic, and played a key
role in ESCOP’s digital transformation.
Thanks to these collective efforts, ESCOP offers online monographs, a regular newsletter, and a strong presence on LinkedIn. Six well-received webinars have also been
organized, with Prof. Krenn personally presenting the first in 2021 on the science and evidence behind Cranberry. Her expertise and leadership have significantly enriched ESCOP’s monographs and scientific publication track record.
We thank Prof. Krenn and the entire ESCOP team for their remarkable contributions to advancing ESCOP’s mission! We are delighted that Prof. Krenn will remain an active
board member!

New Chair of ESCOP:
Dr. Evelyn Wolfram
Lecturer Phytopharmacy and Natural Products as well as Quality Management
Zürich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
Institute of Chemistry and Biotechnology
Natural Products and Phytopharmacy Research Group
CH-8820 Wädenswil